Has Netanyahu lost the plot?

Posted 22 Oct 2015 by Walaa Idris


Or is there something far more sinister behind his recent comments?

Benjamin Netanyahu insisting a Palestinian leader persuaded Hitler and the Nazis to carry out the Holocaust is an extremely dangerous and irresponsible allegation.

Particularly as every historical document, journal and historian confirms Hitler’s feelings towards the Jews were apparent from his early days in the army. What’s more, his plans for Europe’s Jewish population began in 1939 a whole two years before his meeting with the Palestinian leader.

Adolf Hitler did not meet the Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini until 1941, so how can he be the instigator of the most horrific event in that century?

Why then did Netanyahu blatantly lie?

Is it because he hates Palestinians so much he is willing to absolve Hitler from exterminating millions of innocent Jews? Or is there another reason for this calculated declaration?

Angela Merkel immediately responded to his comment by saying “Germany abides by its responsibility for the Holocaust. We are very clear in our minds about the Nazis’ responsibility for the break with civilisation that was the Shoah.”

Besides that, the timing of his remark is very peculiar. Some would say it is even reckless. With all the turmoil in the region not to mention the trouble in his own backyard…., his remark could not have come at a worst time. Historically the relationship between the two nations has always been volatile. However, recently they are the poorest they have been.

So I ask you again, what was the reason behind the comment?

For years Zionists have been trying to rewrite history. Change how Israel came about, redraw legal boundaries and renege on agreed promises. While failing to address how Palestinians are oppressed and terrorised in their own home and how Israel is an unkind neighbour.

The alarming thing is Zionists will stop at nothing to push every Arab out their own home. I say Zionists because most Jews inside and outside Israel accept and even welcome the two state solutions. Historically the two people happily lived side by side long before Hitler, World War II and Netanyahu came about.

So what can the reasons for this comment be? Please, someone, explain to me the one positive thing that can come out of this deliberate story.


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Recognising Palestinians' right to statehood is small yet symbolically important

Posted 14 Oct 2014 by Walaa Idris

It was truly heartening to listen to MP after MP from every political hue, on both sides of the house defend Palestinians’ right to statehood – and it’s about time too.

I always believed Israel was its own worst enemy. And never doubted that sooner or late it was going to overdo the “we’re protecting and defending ourselves” reasoning and it was all going to backfire. And it did. This summer for the first time I watched as commentator after commentator, politician after politician and nations after nation stand up for Palestinians while condemn Israel for overzealously bombing and slaughtering innocent men, women and children in the Gaza strip.

For years, most of the west watched quietly while Israel inch by inch, illegally took land that doesn’t belong to it. Wrongly built settlements they had no right to build. Subjugate the very people they have a duty of care towards. All under the banner of ‘it’s protecting its land’. Not the land it was given by the United Nation and Britain but the land it grabbed afterwards.

It is wrong, unjust and inhumane.

Last night British MPs overwhelmingly by a majority of 262 voted 274 to 12 to recognise the state of Palatine. And although that has no practical impact on British government policy and ministers, it still sends a positive signal to Palestinians. It tells them the British people support them and their right for statehood. It shows them Britons feel their struggle, understand their pain and respect their rights. All are positives with optimistic ramifications across the region.

The vote also forces the British government to act in the matter while at the same time nudges the US and other influencing nations to consider doing the same. Never underestimate the power of our Parliament and don’t for one second think the rest of the world wasn’t watching history being made yesterday, because it was.

But most of all, yesterday’s vote says to Israel enough is enough, while at the same time moves us closer to peace in the region.

Recognising the state of Palestine alongside the state of Israel is the next step, and our government now has the public’s backing to move towards achieving that goal.

I cannot end this blogpost without mentioning Richard Ottaway’s contribution, even though his was not the only heart moving insightful one but it summed beautifully what many friends of Israel feel and have been feeling for some time now.

The Rt Hon Sir Richard Ottaway is the Conservative Member of Parliament for Croydon South and the chairman of the foreign affairs select committee. He said the recent annexation of West Bank land by the Israeli government had angered him like nothing else in politics. Then added he has been a supporter of the state of Israel before he became a Tory and had close family connections with the generation that formed the Israeli state. He went on to explain that he had been a strong supporter of Israel in the six day war and subsequent conflicts because the Holocaust had a deep impact on him growing up in the wake of the Second World War.

He passionately told the house: “But looking back over the past 20 years, I realise now Israel has slowly been drifting away from world public opinion. The annexation of the 950 acres of the West Bank just a few months ago has outraged me more than anything else in my political life. It has made me look a fool and that is something I deeply resent.”

I felt his disappointment and as a friend of Israel, I too share his dismay. Many like us feel the same and welcome last night’s vote as a positive step in the road to a two-state solution and give us hope of future peace in the region.


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The request for a Palestinian Statehood is a game changer regardless of its outcome.

Posted 24 Sep 2011 by Walaa Idris

No matter what the votes are, the Palestinian issue has changed gears and few can ignore or sideline it now!

After the powerful impassioned request for statehood President Mahmoud Abbas delivered to the UN yesterday, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s balanced offer of continued peaceful negotiations response to it. The Palestinians right for their own state is now in the forefront and it’s up to them to keep it relevant and positive.

To save face, the UN might decide to stick this request at the bottom of the pile. But judging by the reactions inside the United Nation hall that might prove to be a little difficult – it seems most the smaller nations supports the Palestinian people in their quest for a home. In a fair and just world if the Palestinian were promised a home then they should get one. South Sudan, Eritrea, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, the Czech Republic and Slovakia did. Nevertheless, we know it’s not very likely to happen if it comes to a vote, because the US promised to veto the request! Fair enough they have the right and the power to do so. It is in their interest to keep Israel happy. Even if it means their president speaks with a forked tongue.

This egg and chicken issue will not be resolved while as Mahmoud Abbas put it Israel continuous to “eat our land” – it will also not move forward if every negotiation is starts with “I did …., but you said….”

Kaffa! Kaffa! Kaffa! – are the three words that dominated yesterday’s address – they mean Enough! Enough! Enough! Abbas is right – Enough fighting, enough blaming and enough pain!

The balm game has to stop for any talks to move forward. And although this Mary-Go-Round politics is nothing new, nor will it change overnight and those who have the powers to dictate what’s in their best interest will continue to do so – something needs to change, something has to give and someone needs to say let’s put the past behind us and look to the future. The Palestine people need to see and feel the big guns of the world are on their side – let’s not hide behind Hamas and their deeds but look to the majority who deserve a home.

In Arabic we have a saying and it translates as follow “Take the fibbers to the end of the road” it simply means when you suspect someone is pulling the wool over your eyes, don’t fright, just publicly and decidedly give them enough rope to hang themselves.

Palestine yesterday handed the big powers that rope!


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