Winner and Losers ~ December 5, 2011

Posted 5 Dec 2011 by Walaa Idris

Winners and Losers

Looks like the Tories might get a chance to have that talk about Europe with their leader after all. The FT HERE reports that Conservative MPs will lobby David Cameron, ahead of the Brussels summit on Thursday and Friday, to start renegotiating London’s relationship with Brussels. Funny how things turnout despite the best intentions and the greatest planning!

Whipping the EU vote in the Commons a few weeks ago, in my opinion, was always a very bad idea, especially since the EU and the Eurozone crisis is organic and ongoing – one never knows with live issues what tomorrow brings. This is a win for the Tories and a second chance for the PM to make good on his promises.

Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, asking for pensioners to be means tested is not very clever. First, because pensioners are already means tested (Labour started it years ago) and by announcing it all he did is become a target of their discontent. Secondly, with Christmas only a few weeks away and heating bills reaching sky high – the timing and phraseology of this announcement is a PR disaster. Never use words as “sacrifice” when your environment minster (Chris Huhne) is spending millions on wind turbines and green energy for the future! Sorry Nick, I agree a lot with you but this is a loser!


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