Healing, caring and loving hands!

Posted 8 Oct 2011 by Walaa Idris

Tracy & Tim

This is the second blogpost from Tracy Cheetham’s new blog Mums Notes please follow and read it HERE.

Tracy and I never meet in real life but we are friends via Twitter and used to hang out on the #1amClub sometime ago. And although our politics are on opposite sides of the political spectrum and we even had a falling-out once, I like to think @tchee and I are good friends.

It’s Tracy’s second time fighting Breast Cancer, as brave and as positive as Tchee and her family are, this must be a very hard and testing time for all of them. Since I found about its return, I prayed daily for her to beat it just as bravely as she did the first time. And would like via this post to ask all my friends and followers on Facebook and Twitter to pray for her and ask their friends and followers to pray for her speedy recovery. Please also follow her blog and leave encouraging comments when you can, every little caring act will help.

I love you Tracy and I want you to know I am here if you ever need me – please just ask X


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