Let me tell you why I’m asking for a Harman apology.

Posted 26 Feb 2014 by Walaa Idris

Harriet Harman MP

My request has nothing to do with the facts, what actually happened or who did/didn’t do what/when!!

It is purely an exercise of ‘if the shoe was on the other foot….’!

And by that I mean, had the same issue in the same circumstances involved a Conservative politician, Labour and their lefty cronies would have been on it like a bad rash. So much so that by now there would have been multiple requests for an enquiry – and we all know how fond lefties are of enquiries.

The moral of this story is, has the tables been turned, Labour would have squeezed every political capital out of this issue, and despite there being nothing to answer; lefties would have stopped at nothing until they claimed the scalp of a Tory.

Harriet Harman doesn’t need to apologise, I am asking simply to make a point.


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Herman Cain blinked and he’s out!

Posted 4 Dec 2011 by Walaa Idris

Herman Cain

I’m not a lefty, so will not cry over Herman Cain suspending his campaign because he is a brother…, plus, and in my very humble opinion, he was never a serious contender to start with. In all seriousness, I could never picture him as the leader of the free world. Why?

Because, first he never held any kind of elected office and suspending his campaign is prove he is not cut out to sit at top. The press hounding and scrutinising every inch of a presidential candidate is a given, and Mr. Cain tripped at the first hurdle they put in front of him. People who make it to the highest office in the land, the White House, possess a certain resilience he did not enjoy. Look at Clinton (Bill), he managed the Monica Lewinsky affair and two terms with ease, Bush (George W) had his challenges and even Obama with his birth certificate and religion – all men were undeterred and never once wavered.

Most presidents as candidates and during their term in office face all sorts of allegations, fight them off and stay the course – and if we are lucky they write a book and tell us what’s what later!

Secondly, he has very little to offer – his 999 that doesn’t add up, forgetting and muddling issues during the debates and the last straw was his incident with Libya!!! It was the prove many needed to decide if Herman Cain is a serious man who likes to joke or a joke who wants to be taken seriously!

Don’t get me wrong, he is probably a good man and seems to be a nice man but he is not a Commander in Chief type of man.

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There is nuts and there is ....!

Posted 13 Dec 2010 by Walaa Idris

Harriet Harman

I can’t help but wonder sometimes what planet Harriet Harman lives on, and God knows I try to keep an open mind and understand where she’s coming from – but some of the stuff she turns up with is just beyond barmy!

From her over the top equality “feminist” thing to her relentless obsession with all things “anti-male” – and just when you think she’s done, she surfaces with a new crusade. Her latest fixation is to ask the government for a tax rebate to encourage more people to sent monies to their families’ oversea, even if they are from benefits!!….!!!

As a sentiment, its kind – I would like to say noble, but seeing as many benefits in the UK are being trimmed and many benefit recipients and earners alike have to do without – I’m thinking its not such a good idea.

However, if someone is working and paying taxes in the UK, they are free to spend their net earnings (within the law) as they see fit, as for a tax rebate, well, that too is not such a good idea in the current economic climate. Specially at this time, if there is a surplus or relief of any kind it should go to those who live and work within this shores, in the UK.

The funny thing about all of this, is that Labour and their leader keep telling us the Tories are out of touch and “David Cameron doesn’t get it” – when in reality it’s them who is clueless and live in fantasyland!

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A couple of firsts!

Posted 15 Nov 2010 by Walaa Idris

While cruising, the blogosphere as I do every morning, I came across this post from my blogging mentor; mentor because Iain is someone I look up to when it comes to blogging, and pick his brains whenever I get the chance. Before even reading the post I had a good idea where he was going with it plus it’s no secret where Iain stood with regards to the Phil Woolas affair- still the post made it even clearer as to why!

Nevertheless, in this occasion I think Iain is wrong; first of all, and as I understand it, the court did not rule on the election or its outcome but punished Mr Woolas for the way by which he obtained that outcome. Similar to many criminal acts, the court also ordered, as part of Mr Woolas’ punishment that he be put in probation (the three years ban). To me, non of it means the judiciary is interfering in the election or its outcome. But it shows the judiciary is on the publics’ side. Standing with the electorates who were conned, saying to them election by deception is a crime punishable under the law regardless of who you are. Isn’t that what we, the public, want form our judiciary and the laws of this land – to protect us?

Secondly, by rallying around Woolas, we, the political types are not standing our ground or protecting politics. We are sending the wrong message and confirming to the punters their long held suspicion that there is and always will be a “them and us!”

Third, I would like to take this opportunity to applaud Harriet Harman, Labour’s deputy leader, a woman I almost never see eye to eye with, but in this occasion she did well and should be proud of herself. By being far sighted and employing common sense when all around her were very emotional and tribal – for being the first Labour politician, to wisely distance herself and the her Party from a despicable criminal act but most of all for taking the side of the people and standing her ground even when she came under heavy fire, well-done Hattie!

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