Walaa's Weekly Wrap-Up ~ August 17, 2013

Posted 17 Aug 2013 by Walaa Idris

Egypt is bad. The situation is getting worst. Each side is blaming the other and the fighting plus the killings are escalating. Official reports say the death toll is in the hundreds yet many say it is much more, it’s in the thousands.

It is time for the Camerons and the Obamas of the world to make that phone call where one asks the other “What are we going to do about Egypt before it turns into Syria?”


A UK judge made history yesterday by ruling a mentally disabled man is to be sterilised, because he was unfit to decide for himself whether or not to have children. The man is in a loving relationship with a mentally disabled woman and they already have a child together. He reacted very badly and rejected his first child, not understanding his relationship with the child or involvement in producing him.

Some called the judge’s ruling ‘interference of the state’. I call it wise and sound. If the state is going to pick up the bill they might as well decided if they want more unwanted kids or not.

But that is not the real issue. The real issue here is this man is unable to understand the basics of conceiving a baby. The judge made the ground breaking decision of unburdening an unable man form a decision he never understood he had in the first place while at the same time saved the state the burden of another unplanned, unwanted birth.


Not a fan of Ed Miliband. But getting showered with eggs on his first day back from holiday is not a good way to start the new term. Nor is it the right way to conduct debate.

Now won’t that man, who got so close to Miliband, he was able to aim and egg him more than once, could have made more impact by asking a question, handing him a petition, or any other form of civil engagement?

Remember Mrs Duffy, she could have thrown eggs at Brown, but instead she asked him that question.


We can proudly say we have a national treasure and his name is Mo Farrah.

I am proud of Mo.

He is the embodiment of Britain and all things British. An immigrant refugee, hardworking, determined, and unassuming plus his name is Mohamed. Mohamed also happened to be the name of both my paternal grandparents, my only brother and about half a dozen male cousins.

Go Mo, Go Farrah, Go Britain!


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