A Postcard Day!

Posted 8 Apr 2011 by Walaa Idris

A Postcard Day!

Instead of thinking about chocolate bars (see last night’s BBC Question Time), NHS reforms, Libya, Defence review, campers on Parliament Square, the Royal Wedding, bailing out Portugal, the list goes on and on ……..!

I decided to take pleasure in the beauty, the delight and the light this week’s sunshine brought to our hearts and our beautiful city and give you all a glimpse of my walk back home.

Enjoy X

1 comment(s)

Floyd Codlin

Floyd Codlin
8 Apr, 19:25

Walaa, was initially expecting the worst as your last three blog posts have been very poor meat if one is charitable. However this one see’s you back to form and furthermore I concur with the sentiments. On the way into work today, rare occasion of getting a seat on train, sun shining, fellow passengers had discovered the wonders of deodorant, window open welcoming a light breeze. Had on my IPhone, Maria Callas singing the Liebestrade from Wagners “Tristian und Isolde”. Quarter of the journey through and I had to exercise the good old British stiff upper lip lest I start clubbing like some damned French men. Queen Victoria would have been proud I can tell you.

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