It is very wise to not write-off the LibDems.
Posted 20 Mar 2013 by Walaa Idris
Obviously, some things about Liberal Democrats ideologies don’t sit well with me, but I am not a lofty dreamer and do belief it is very possible they might again hold the balance of power in 2015.
I know today most talk is about the budget. But, I tend to blog about things that are tossing around in my head. And since Saturday I have been thinking about the next general election.
Last time, after the 2010 general election, we were stunned by the outcome. A very unpopular Prime Minster leading a very unpopular government presiding over a heap of economic calamity and we still did not win outright. And although things will be different in 2015 and better than they were in 2010 – better here doesn’t mean the national debt will be wiped-out and unemployment banished. Better in this instance is having control over the economy and a systematic steady management of our debt, the deficit and sturdy growth.
In the past couple of days, since the Conservatives 2013 Spring Forum on Saturday most talk, within the Conservative family, revolved around the 2015 General Election. That got me thinking about the possibility of another coalition government after 2015 – which as things stand is a very possible possibility.
Just before the 2010 General Election a team of Tory strategists, led by William Hague put together a paper outlining possible coalition scenarios with the Liberal Democrats. These outlines later became part of the current coalition agreement. The LibDems did a similar thing and worked on two different scenarios one with Labour and the other with the Tories. The only party that arrogantly found themselves unprepared for a coalition in 2010 was the Labour party. That is why; form the very start, all their negotiations with the LibDems fell apart. Although sad, it was comical to watch Labour politicians go into meetings after meeting and come out looking bewildered because they had no idea what to say or what was said. They looked and sounded like Martians on earth, refused every offer and consequently made no deal.
Despite the numbers (Lib/Tory numbers worked better than Lib/Lab numbers), in 2010 Labour made a historic mistake by ignoring all predictions and evidences put in front of them by political analysts of all hues, and believed their own publicity. They went into the election with the most unpopular leader and after losing it, did not even have the tenacity to turn things around with negotiations. Why? Because they were not prepared for it, and thought they will win and if not they had the magic to sway Liberals to partner with them over the Conservatives. I bet good money they will not make this mistake ever again.
As a Conservative, of course I want and will work very hard for an outright Tory victory and a Conservative government. However, as a realist I think it will be ignorant and arrogant to not consider and prepare for a coalition after 2015.
That is why I hope alongside working for a Conservative victory, we have in place plans for a future coalition with our liberal partners. The focus should be on continuing the work started in 2010 and keeping Labour out for another five years.
Categories: Lib/Tory in 2015 , Coalition Government