What will happen to Libya's militia?

Posted 24 Oct 2011 by Walaa Idris

Libyan Rebels

With Gaddafi’s death, Libya’s liberation and NATO pulling out. One question looms its head – what’s going to happen to the Libyan militias. Are they now, seven month later going to put down their arms and lead a civilian life? Some think they undoubtedly will and should celebrate and enjoy their freedom and start building the new Libya, a democratic and peaceful Libya!

However, some paramilitaries say they won’t put down their arms because they don’t trust the NTC and there are those who say they won’t disarm because they don’t feel safe!

So, what’s going to happen? Whose responsibility is it to disarm the rebels/freedom fighters, is it the interim government or those who armed them?


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Did we just overthrow the Libyan Government?

Posted 27 Jul 2011 by Walaa Idris

As someone who does not shock easily and very rarely disagree with my party, this morning I had a double doze, one of each. I was shocked by the government’s announcement on Libya and I totally disagree with it. Even though the intention behind it might be good its outcome will be dire, for Libya her people and us .

Of course our government have the right to expel the Libyan diplomatic delegation and send them packing just as they have the right to expel any diplomat from other nations. They also have the right and the freedom to support whomever they want. But what our government does not have the right to do is to invite the rebels to send a diplomatic envoy in place of the currently “legal Libyan government”. And regardless of our Western feelings and understanding of the legality of the Gaddafi regime – there are still many more Libyans who do not recognise the rebels.

There are also still questions such as – has the transitional council been ratified and fully recognized by the Libyan people and the rest of international community? And is it a legal body!?

In the eyes of many Libyans and other Middle Eastern nations, what Britain just did was overthrow a sovereign government and replace it with the rebels – in other words it was a coup d’ etat – did we just do that!?

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