Walaa's Weekly Wrap-Up ~ July 20, 2013

Posted 20 Jul 2013 by Walaa Idris

It is sad to hear about Detroit’s heavy debt of more than $18bn and unavoidable bankruptcy. The city that was once called the ‘Paris of the Midwest’ is now in ruins. The scale of decline of what once was a beautiful metropolis is frightening. After years of mismanagement, rising crime and chronic poverty Detroiters fled the home of Motown and its population dropped from 2 million in 1950s to a little over 500,000 today.

Nothing is working in the Motor City it seems. Only a third of its ambulances are in working order, it takes the police an hour to respond to calls, forget about sanitation workers and building maintenance almost half the streetlights are broken and 78,000 buildings stand empty and abandoned some with trees growing through their roofs.

A sad picture by all accounts, but I am positive Detroiters shall overcome. They are Midwesterners and Detroit is the comeback city.


On a personal note, my weeks just keep get busier and busier; I just hope there is a rainbow with a pot of gold waiting for me at the end of it all.

Posted once and it had lots of what I like to call ‘quite hits’ that means loads of visitors but no comments. Also an old post is still getting lots of hits so I added it to this week warp- up. Have a great weekend and say a prayer to Detroitres.

The Zimmerman Martin trail left me sad but also confused
“Liberal bigotry is worst of all, because it thinks it’s so enlightened”

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