Palin, the Kingmaker!
Posted 21 Nov 2010 by Walaa Idris
With the Midterms out the way, the 2012 presidential campaign is already gaining momentum, Democrats more or less have their man in place, as the likelihood of anyone running but Obama is very slim. So whoever the Republicans field for 2012 has the advantage of fighting a sitting duck president who his own party is not all that convinced he can do the job anymore!
On the other side, the one visible candidate the GOP has for now is Sarah Palin. Palin is a charismatic down to earth conservative who speaks to peoples’ hearts the same way Barack Hussein Obama did when he was selling his Hope & Change message. Like Obama, Palin is a great orator, fundraiser and also green.
By all accounts Palin is the dream candidate for the Republican Party, but two years from the 2008 elections and she still has some serious issues to address if she’s to beat Obama. Americans might love Palin the person, but Palin, the Commander in Chief right now is not that different ‘baggage wise’ from Obama 08 and we all saw how well that turned out.
Palin’s first task is not to divide the Republican Party, she must be seen as the unifier and become the “outsider” with the great clout who can go it alone if needs be, yet is a team player who puts country and party before self interest. That will silence the naysayers inside the GOP and pull the rug from under the Dems and the liberal left.
Secondly, she needs to polish up on policy and learn form candidate Obama’s mistakes, have ready workable polices on every issue no matter how small – if she doesn’t, the left media will not let a week go by without a negative Palin story.
And finally, as a ‘team player’ she must be ready to become the Kingmaker – if her own bid looks like it might be faltering – giving her support ‘early’ to the right candidates is important and ties in with the first point – a unifier is selfless and will pave the way for someone more capable than themselves.
There is no doubt that Sarah Plain is a force to reckon with and she has unquestionably proved that. She is also what America wants and has been yearning for, in some ways she is like Bush 43 the early years, before Iraq, Katrina and the weak economic polices. But she needs to built her credentials and find a way to work with the establishment they made Obama; if she doesn’t find a way to work with them they will break her.
Categories: Sarah Palin , US Politics
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Edward Green
21 Nov, 18:04